Integrated Logistics

Integrated logistics


If, before, logistics was responsible for processes such as inventory management and transportation, it now allows more efficient management of procurement, warehousing, production process and all stages of transportation. It also allows the monitoring of the activities of its suppliers and partners, integrating processes that are related and that produce impact in the following stages.

Integrated logistics also deals with the management of the flow of information that is generated and shared along the chain. One of the central aspects regarding the application of integrated logistics is the communication management between the parties. For processes to be optimized and aligned, it is necessary to maintain a constant, clear and objective flow of information. Real-time information sharing is critical if decisions are to be made in less time and in a much more assertive way.



The main benefit that integrated logistics provides is the control over the flow of products and processes. The integration of the areas and companies involved in the logistics chain allows managers to follow, for example, a flow of sales from the moment the supplier releases the products to the last point, which is delivery to the final customer.

This may represent higher productivity ratios, cost reductions, increased profitability, value creation, and increased competitive advantage.



  • Reduction of operational costs with logistics;

  • Better productivity rates;

  • More agile and organized processes;

  • Better relationship with the productive chain.


Integrated end-to-end logistics.
Analysis of the legal modalities of both the country of destination and origin, defining the one that presents the best cost-benefit for the operation and the organization.
Accompaniment of all the movement of the goods in its various modalities.
Negotiation of insurance for the transportation of merchandise, according to the requirements and needs of the client.
Dedicated and personalized follow-up.
Lifting of all necessary licenses and documentation together with customs clearance.
Carrying out fiscal and accounting control of the operation.
Operations based on strategic planning to offer the best conditions.