Seven logistics expressions you need to understand!

Seven logistics expressions you need to understand!

For those who are thinking about importing or exporting it is essential to understand the meaning of some expressions, which are part of this universe. Check out the most used ones!

Just in time: If you hear this expression about your cargo, you can be happy. This means that it will arrive on time or that delivery will take place on time.

Lead time: This expression in English in logistics refers to the time of manufacture of a product.

Backlog: It means that an order is pending.

Deadline: This expression is quite common in other areas of activity, especially those that work with deadlines on a daily basis. It means deadline or delivery time.

Blank Sailing: Term used by shipowners to inform the cancellation of a call at a specific port or service covering the other ports of the ship’s voyage.

Back to back: The back to back operation occurs when a national company buys a product from another country, and sends it to another location abroad, without it passing through national territory.

Fulfillment: Expression that means compliance. That is, meet the time and period from the beginning of the order to the delivery of the cargo.