Foreign trade: against the crisis, sector stands out in Brazil and import of products breaks records.

Foreign trade: against the crisis, sector stands out in Brazil and import of products breaks records.

Oil, electronic equipment and fertilizers: imports are 4.3% higher compared to last year

Contrary to what was expected, imports into Brazil surprised everyone. Even with the rise in the dollar, the drop that was expected in imports and the increase in exports happened differently. According to a survey by Mainô in the last quarter – a startup that offers management system tools for foreign trade companies – imports into Brazil have reached record highs in recent months and the highlights are products such as meats and medical-hospital items.

Also according to the survey, imports remain higher than in 2019 and are 4.3% higher compared to last year, despite all external impacts and setbacks. The countries that most imported from Brazil are: China, United States, Germany, Argentina, Japan, India, South Korea, Italy, Mexico and France. In terms of inputs, the highlights are:

  • 6.5% petroleum fuel oils
  • 5.5% of vessels, platforms and other floating structures
  • 4.6% in products from the manufacturing industry
  • 3.8% in electronic equipment
  • 3.5% in fertilizers or chemical fertilizers

For Eduardo Ferreira, specialist in foreign trade and CEO of Mainô, the main factors that are helping the moment of imports are: reduction of bureaucracy, agility in bureaucratic procedures, rates being zeroed and the number of companies that are dedicated to offering services aimed at for the COMEX sector, such as Mainô.

The company created a cloud management system for importers, exporters and distributors, and its main objective is to offer an optimized solution for issuing import notes for products, offering agility and ease in calculations that previously took about 2 days to be carried out – with the help of Mainô technology the documentation is ready in about 2 minutes.

“Our business was born a long time ago and was pivoted a few times until Mainô made its focus on foreign trade official. Today, we are a company specialized in the area and we help to bring innovation to a market with more than 50 thousand companies. Even with the pandemic that took the world by surprise, we noticed that the segment is doing well. Still in 2020, we want to double in size, offering more and more solutions and information to our customers who are buying or selling abroad ”, comments the CEO.

Future of Comex

In a recent study by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea), a slowdown in international trade is forecast. However, the same report foresees positive scenarios obtained through the World Trade Organization (WTO), where exports would fall by 17.7% in 2020, falling to US $ 185.4 billion due to the current moment experienced by the coronavirus. For 2021, export growth is expected to be in the range of 10% to 15%, while imports will have grown from 10% to 20%.

With the market living between ups and downs, with some favorable moments for imports, others for exports, it is necessary for the entrepreneur to be attentive, looking for innovative solutions to adapt and resume business.
