International Trade

Brazilian exports to China almost exceed foreign sales to the USA by almost 5 times

Between January and June of this year, China was the final destination of 33.8% of all Brazilian exports, a record percentage never reached by a Brazilian trading partner in isolation since the historical series began to be surveyed by the responsible agencies by the Brazilian foreign trade. In the period, shipments to the Chinese totaled.

Brazil doing well.

Covid-19 impacts the economy, but agribusiness lives the best of its history. Time is for fat cows, but sustainability cannot be left out. In the last few months, the 40-year-old gaucho Maurício De Bortoli has been dedicated to deciphering colors. They help you interpret soybean productivity on your 9,000-hectare farm in Cruz Alta, Rio Grande.

US$ 42 billion, this is the record total value of agribusiness exports in five months of 2020

Brazilian agribusiness exports had a record accumulated from January to May 2020 and closed at US$ 42 billion, the highest value ever recorded for the first five months of the year. The result represents an increase of 7.9% in relation to the same period of 2019, according to data from the Ministry of Economy compiled.

Brazilian agriculture overcame obstacles and increased exports in the pandemic

Most of Brazil’s agricultural sector has been thriving, despite the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the country’s economy as a whole, the USDA said Most of Brazil’s agricultural sector has been thriving, despite the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the country’s economy as a whole, said the United States Department of.

Agribusiness grows in the pandemic, becomes more attractive and expands exports to new markets.

The only sector of the Brazilian economy to register consecutive growth even in the midst of the last crises, agribusiness may become, in the coming years, the focus of mergers and acquisitions and foreign investors in the country. Sovereign funds, such as Saudi Arabia, have already contributed resources in Brazil, in the same way that.

Ferroeste (Estrada de Ferro Paraná Oeste SA), a state-owned company that operates the rail network between Cascavel and Guarapuava, registered an increase in the flow capacity of the grain and industrialized products and closed the first quarter of 2020 with a profit of R $ 1, 66 million. It is the biggest result in the.