Gross Value of Agricultural Production this year grows 11.5% and is updated to R $ 806.6 billion.

Gross Value of Agricultural Production this year grows 11.5% and is updated to R $ 806.6 billion.

The Gross Value of Agricultural Production (VBP) in 2020 is 11.5% higher than in 2019, jumping from R $ 723.4 billion to R $ 806.6 billion. The result was obtained from updates on the survey of production and prices of agricultural products surveyed in September.

In five years, this indicator increased by R $ 100 billion. “Undoubtedly, these results brought a considerable increase in income in the main regions of the interior of the country. Revenues from crops increased 15%, reaching R $ 543 billion and livestock, 4.9% reaching R $ 263.6 billion ”, evaluates José Garcia Gasques, general coordinator of Policy and Information Evaluation at the Secretariat of Agricultural Policy, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

Soy, cattle, corn and coffee were the main responsible for these results of agriculture.

In addition to these products, other crops performed well this year, such as peanuts (28.5%), rice (26.2%), cocoa (18.7%), coffee (42.1%), beans (13.4%) %), castor (29.6%), corn (16%), soy (30.3%), wheat (58%). Among the products that did not have a favorable performance are banana, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes and chicken.

Agricultural prices have been favorable to producers this year, according to research conducted by SPA. “In addition to prices, the record grain harvest and favorable international trade make up a scenario of good financial results”, stresses Gasques. To illustrate, the study coordinator cites price increases for the main products such as bananas (17.6% real increase compared to 2019), arabica coffee (15.8%), beans (17.4%), corn (16.2%), soy (21.8%), wheat (21%), cattle (16.4%) and pork (10.5%).

Another important aspect highlighted by the research is the results of corn and soybeans, which allowed a strong recovery to the Matopiba region, – an area comprising the Cerrado biome of the states of Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia – which last year was greatly affected by drought in some locations. Between 2019 and this year, there was a strong increase in VBP in that region.

The states that pull the values ​​of Brazilian agricultural production are Mato Grosso (R $ 145.8 billion), Paraná (R $ 103.2 billion) and São Paulo (R $ 97.6 billion).

The VBP shows the evolution of the performance of crops and livestock over the year and corresponds to gross sales within the establishment. It is calculated based on the production of the agricultural and livestock crops and the prices received by producers in the main squares in the country.

Posição do Estado no Valor Bruto da Produção

Valores em R$*
RankingUFs / ANO2020%
Mato Grosso145.837.270.35318,08%
São Paulo97.651.692.28812,1%
Minas Gerais86.982.069.01010,8%
Rio Grande do Sul64.945.879.2718,1%
Mato Grosso do Sul49.228.542.9156,1%
Santa Catarina26.746.966.9213,3%
14ºEspírito Santo10.375.991.5711,3%
19ºRio de Janeiro2.878.604.4010,4%
24ºRio Grande do Norte1.624.252.8540,2%
25ºDistrito Federal1.356.789.2830,2%
Total Brasil806.632.269.461100,0%

* Valores deflacionados pelo IGP-DI da FGV – setembro/2020.
