Soy will increase the area planted in Brazil in the next decade, says the ministry.

Soy will increase the area planted in Brazil in the next decade, says the ministry.

Soy will increase the planted area in the next decade in Brazil. The Ministry of Agriculture’s projection is that another 9.7 million hectares will be occupied with the grain by 2030, totaling 46.5 million hectares, and that production will reach 156.5 million tons.

Therefore, soybean leads the estimate that the grain planted area will grow 16.7% until the 2029/2030 harvest, surpassing the 76 million cultivated hectares.

But, taking into account perennial crops and fruit and vegetable production, the total planted area is expected to rise from 77.7 million hectares in 2019/20 to 88.2 million in 2029/30.

Following the evolution of soybeans, the second crop corn area is expected to grow 4.1 million hectares. Sugarcane is expected to gain another 1.2 million hectares. The number exceeds the addition of 10.5 million total hectares because some crops use the same area at different times.

Some crops, however, are expected to lose area. This is the case of coffee, manioc, rice, orange and beans. The reduction must be offset by productivity gains.

The expansion of the area of ​​soy and sugar cane should occur by the incorporation of new areas, areas of natural pastures and also by the replacement of other crops that should yield the area.

“The 2017 Census of Agriculture, gives an indication of where this should happen, by showing the expansion of temporary crop areas in natural pasture lands. The second crop corn area is expected to expand over areas released by soybeans under the no-till system, ”says a report released today.
