Will it matter? Know where to start

Will it matter? Know where to start

Importation is the commercial and fiscal process that consists of bringing goods, which may be a product or service, from abroad to the country. Operations above US $ 3 thousand have specific rules and whoever wants to import needs to be aware of a series of rules that will determine the success or failure of an import. Are you thinking of importing? Know where to start!

Legalized company:
Whoever wants to import or export goods, first, needs to ensure that their company is properly constituted, legalized and in essential conditions for the transaction. Therefore, the CNPJ of the company must be in good standing and the import activity must be included in the corporate purpose.

Qualification in SISCOMEX (RADAR):
With the company constituted and legalized, every individual or legal entity must attend a unit of the Federal Revenue in order to provide their qualification to use the Integrated Foreign Trade System (Siscomex). The tool allows the adoption of a single flow of information, eliminating parallel controls and significantly decreasing the volume of documents involved in operations.

Another relevant aspect is to check if the supplier will deliver your goods properly. Therefore, it is essential to collect data from potential suppliers with the capacity to meet your demand with quality. Before closing any deal, it is important to check the quality of the production process and the productive capacity of the chosen supplier.

Cost breakdown:
The cost spreadsheet allows the entrepreneur to check the economic viability of the business. The final price for the domestic market will be obtained by adding to the price costs with international freight, cargo insurance, import tax, port taxes, storage fees, customs broker, domestic freight, among others.

Once the contact is made and the operating conditions are established, the importer must request the foreign exporter to send a document that formalizes the price practiced in the operation, the condition of sale (Incoterms), the payment method and the delivery term of the goods. .

Source: National Sebrae